Rugs vs Carpets

Rugs Vs Carpets – What is Better?

We are back to that old debate. Thinking of furnishing your apartment anew? Wondering if you should ditch that old threadbare carpet? Buy a new one? Or just check out that nice rug you saw online? Carpets? Rugs?

Fret not. Both area rugs and carpets come with their set of advantages and disadvantages and choosing one depends on an individual’s needs. Let us take a look at the pros and cons of each:

Area rugs

Area rugs are mainly used to highlight a specific area in the living room and are easily changeable. It is very easy to change the appearance of an area by merely changing the area rug.

Rugs vs Carpets

A rug that goes well with a room’s interior can add artistic appeal and stylishness. If you are following a monochrome colour theme, a contrasting colour area rug can break the monotonous feel to add freshness to the room. Also, when used in a large open floor plan, it can bring together different furnishings to create a uniform look.

Rugs are great for small rooms…

Area rugs are small in size and portable, making it easier to handle compared to heavy carpets. They are easy to clean and dry and permit airflow, preventing moulds. This is a significant advantage to those who are allergic to dust and mildew.

Rugs vs Carpets

The ability to switch up area rugs without investing too much makes it easy to change the character of a room instantly. Area rugs also need not cover the entire floor – so if you have invested in that classy-looking wooden flooring, these are the best option!

But can be tricky

One of the major concerns of area rugs is that when unsecured, they can become a tripping hazard causing slips and trips.

Secondly, unlike wall-to-wall carpeting that provides insulation, area rugs provide insulation across certain sections only. So, if you are living in a very cold area and looking for better insulation, area rugs are not an ideal choice.

Wall-to-wall carpeting

Carpeting like this provides insulation and warmth, and when done in coordination with your house design theme, can make the home look stylish and bigger.

Rugs vs Carpets

Carpets provide stability…

Since carpets are fixed to the floor, they are far more stable and slip-resistant. Once you invest in a carpet, it can last for years, and there is no need to worry about changing it time and again.

Carpets provide insulation to the entire home, and when fitted with cushioned padding, they can reduce heat-loss and sound transmission, making the house cosier.

There won’t be any uncovered areas in the house, and if you have a crawling toddler at home, they can provide some cushioning too!

Carpets in neutral colours can make the house look bright, airy and also unify the appearance of different rooms in the house.

Rugs vs Carpets

But can be expensive

Carpets are expensive. Even when there is wear and tear in some areas, you will have to live with it unless you have the budget to replace them all. Also, it is difficult to reinstall them without causing some wear and tear to the flooring as well.

Cleaning a carpet is more difficult compared to area rugs, and in moist climate may cause accumulation of dust and moulds.

Area rugs or carpets?

There is no fixed rule suggesting area rugs are better or carpets or vice versa. It all depends on individual needs, house type, geographical location, budget, and other factors.

So, before you decide on whether you should go for large area rugs or wall-to-wall carpets, read about the pros and cons of each, think about what will suit your needs the best and go for it.


  1. I usually don’t comment but this is a really nice blog and I am learning a lot of new things.
    Thank a lot. Keep writing and spreading more useful information with us.

  2. My mom has had the same carpet for years. I like how you mention neutral color carpets can make the house look bright and airy. Thank you for the information.

  3. Different style of rugs add beauty to your home so should be chosen carefully. The color of curtains and walls should also be considered while choosing floor rugs. Keeping those carpets and rugs clean is also very important.

  4. Thanks, JYOTI AGARWAL

    I loved the post related carpet.

    We believe the health and safety of our family should never be compromised. We have what it takes to reduce the onset of allergy and asthma symptoms by thoroughly eliminating dirt, mites, dust and odors. Keep writing and spreading more useful information with us.

  5. Rugs or carpet are both useful and make us comfortable to relax on our home. And also gives creative design and beauty to our house. Thanks for this very well-written and informative blog I really loved it.

  6. It’s cool that you point out that a rug can help make a room a little more stylish. My living room currently looks rather bland, so I’m thinking about buying a good rug for it.

  7. It’s cool that you point out that a rug can help make a room look more stylish. I’ve been looking for a way to improve the look of my living room, so I’m thinking about buying an area rug for it.

  8. It’s awesome that you point out that you can use an area rug to make a room look more stylish. I’ve always wanted to have a great-looking bedroom, so I’m thinking about buying an area rug for mine. I’m going to look for a good business in my area that can sell me a nice area rug.

  9. Handmade carpets are one of the most beautiful handicrafts. I always admire how carpets woven around the world vary greatly in design and colors.

  10. Thanks Jyoti for make easy discussion about rugs and carpets. finally I got the answer about rugs and carpets.

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