How to Decorate Your Home If You’re a Virgo

Vaastu Series: How to Decorate Your Home If You’re a Virgo

Virgos are meticulous perfectionists, and this quest for perfection can also be seen in their home décor.  People born under this earth sign are very reserved and always prefer functionality over extravagance and luxury. You will very rarely see a Virgo own a super-sized mansion with a sports car and expensive furniture even when he has all the wealth in the world to do so.

The only thing they care about is to ensure everything is placed correctly and in perfect order. The furniture should always be arranged in place, the things in their storage area and any mess should be immediately cleaned.

Here are some home décor tips that align with the traits of Virgo.


Thanks to their eye for details, a Virgo can see the difference between different shades of blue or green. So what is the best colour for them? Earthy tones like ochre and orange will not only keep them grounded but also help them to empower their energy field. Using these tones in their living space can be very calming and subdued.

How to Decorate Your Home If You’re a Virgo

Using hue of ice blue is recommended for Virgos. It has the power to calm both the positive and negative electromagnetic fields around them. Jade green is said to have the power to enhance the earning power and help Virgos financially.


A Virgo wishes to have a comfortable living, and this reflects in their choice of furniture. Thus, function over form and functionality is the primary aspect they look for in their furniture shopping. They mostly prefer a simple cotton sheet over a silk one. Similarly, there will not be any weird looking staircase or any funky piece of furniture.

How to Decorate Your Home If You’re a Virgo

Spacious and elegant looking furniture is perfect for Virgos. Simple looking furniture made of hardwood is the best bet for their homes.


Being an earth sign and a nature lover, natural fabrics are suitable for Virgos instead of synthetic material. Instead of polyester or synthetic material, they should use cotton fabric. It is especially recommended to keep soft fabrics away from kitchenette as it attracts negative energies, which might result in illness and other problems.

How to Decorate Your Home If You’re a Virgo

Also, using aromatic candles, incense stick and essential oil of mild fragrance will keep the atmosphere light, happy, and healthy.

Home décor

When designing a home, you should keep in mind to maintain a healthy balance of natural elements.

How to Decorate Your Home If You’re a Virgo

Considering the need for Virgo to keep the house clean, clutter-free, and orderly, it is important to plan and have ample storage space. Use spaces like corners, under the staircase, and roof to floor cupboards to increase the storage.

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