Easy Cleaning Ideas for a Sparkling Home

March Cleaning Series: Kitchen

The kitchen is one of those places that tends to get dirty, no matter how carefully you work there. The only way to keep the mess away is by cleaning it regularly. While it may not sound like a fun activity, it can still be a breeze with our easy kitchen cleaning tips.

Clean the stainless steel appliance with vodka

While the use of fabric, glass, and porcelain cutlery is on the rise, the majority of Indians still use stainless steel utensils for cooking and serving. The steel appliances look great but are difficult to clean. Especially, if you are using them for deep frying.

Kitchen Cleaning

If you want your steel appliances to remain sparkling, clean them with vodka. Yes, you read it right! Put a little vodka on a sponge or paper towel and use it to clean your stainless steel appliances and give them a new-like shine instantly.

Cleaning the refrigerator top

One of the main culprits that get the refrigerator top dirty and sticky is the small food and oil particles that float in the air. They stick on the surface around and make everything greasy and dirty. Of course, the chimney is a great saviour that suck these particles, but it cannot eliminate it.

Kitchen Cleaning

To minimise the cleaning effort, top the unseen surface of the refrigerator head with a plastic wrap. Once the wrap gets dirty, replace the wrap with a new one. Simple, isn’t it?

Keep the sink clean

To ensure a clean kitchen sink, wipe some baby oil or an oil-based wood cleaner on your kitchen sink using a dry rag or paper towel after cleaning it. This will create an invisible oil film on the sink and will prevent the food stains from sticking on to the sink. This will also make your sink look clean and shiny for long.

Kitchen Cleaning

Get rid of the coffee stains

If you are a coffee-lover, then you must have faced the problem of brown, blotchy haze on the glass jug of the coffee maker. Especially, when you leave the coffee inside it for an extended period. The stain is tough to remove using the cleaning liquid.

Kitchen Cleaning

For best cleaning, fill the jar with a quarter full of ice. Then, add two tablespoons full of salt and squeeze half a lemon in it. Leave the mixture in the jar for five minutes. The inside of the coffee jar will quickly come clean. As easy as that!

A clean microwave oven

The quickest and easiest way to clean the inside of a microwave oven is to place a sliced lemon and few wet paper towels inside it. Run the microwave on high for 2-3 minutes. The steam from the paper towel will soften the grime whereas the lemon will help in quick and spotless cleaning. Once the oven cools down a little, use the wet paper towels to clean the oven’s interior. Wipe it with a dry cloth.

Kitchen Cleaning

Cleaning cast-iron pan is not easy!

Cleaning cast iron pan is not easy. Rubbing it with anything abrasive will wear out its nonstick surface as well as make it look ugly. So how can you clean a cast-iron pan? By using salt! If there is a grim in a pan that is difficult to get rid of, pour some salt it in and rub it using a soft paper towel. Rinse to get a clean pan. To replenish the oil film, coat the inside of the pan with a little cooking oil.

Kitchen Cleaning

A kitchen that smells fresh

Regardless of how clean your kitchen is, sometimes they don’t smell clean. To remove the odour and have clean air, turn to the evergreen vinegar. Simmer some vinegar on the stove to give your kitchen a neutral smell. If you are out of vinegar, boiling a few pieces of lemon husks in water will have a similar effect.

Kitchen Cleaning

And finally, make regular cleaning a habit. It is easier, more effective, and the only way to have a cleaner cooking habitat!

Read More:
March Cleaning Series: Bedroom

One comment

  1. Firstly, thanks for sharing this informative article. I read so many amazing things about kitchen cleaning. Secondly, the first time I read your post & very informative site. I always try my kitchen clean every day. Keep up more share. I enjoyed it.

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