Wall Ideas

Five Non-Boring White Wall Ideas For Your Home

One of the most exciting activities while setting up your new home is deciding the colours for it. Bold sharp reds, burnt oranges, and sunflower yellows are some of the most popular shades that urban homes sport today to project a vibrant atmosphere. But perhaps you are different in your predilection for muted colours. Especially, good old white.

Contrary to popular thinking, white need not be boring at all. Paired with the right decor, accessories, and most importantly, wall decorations, white can transform your home into an elegant and classy space. Here are five creative ideas for those beautiful white walls in your home.

Immortalise your favourite quote

White walls are perfect canvases. What better way to use them than featuring your favourite quote? Take a few lines from an oft-read poem or your go-to movie. Choose something inspirational to wake up to. You can make decals, print it on art paper or make a custom wallpaper. Or have fun by using stencils and painting them or etching them out yourself! Get it in the colour that matches the rest of the decor. Or pick a classic jet black or an iron grey to get that sleek and chic look.

Get some inspiration and get it done

Browse through these designs and get inspired! Engrave gives you the option to custom-make wall stickers while Print A Wallpaper allows you to also choose textures and put your own designs.

Make it your memory corner

Remember those old photo albums with white paper and plastic sleeves? Go in for a fun vibe and use your white wall as your very own open-air photo album.

Get photos printed in small square sizes and stick them on white cardboard matching your wall to get a Polaroid effect. You can mix and match colours if you like too. Write the memory behind each photo in a few words and stick them on your wall. How wonderful to walk into the room and be surrounded by lovely memories!

Get some inspiration and get it done

Browse through these walls and get inspired! Canvas Prints allows you to frame your photos in many different ways to get just the right look while Photojaanic lets you choose where and how you want your photos printed. Whether it’s in the form of posters or canvases, you can customise it any way you want.

Feature your favourite art

Love Cezanne? Or Rembrandt? Or perhaps a contemporary artist? Let your wall feature one of their bigger paintings. Putting up a single, big artwork in the room makes a statement about your tastes, and it also livens up your room in a huge way. Don’t fret, you don’t need to shell out tons of money to get your favourite art in your room.

There are many sites that will print any artwork the way you want, on the paper you want, and even frame it for you. Browse, select, order online, and then just sit back and see the effect on your room!

Get some inspiration and get it done

Browse through these wall art ideas and get inspired! Gallerist lets you choose from upcoming contemporary artists and there are tons of frame abstract designs to pick from as well.

Reflect your room

The colour white already gives a feeling of spaciousness to any room. Expand on that by adding a full-length mirror to your wall. Go for a mirror that’s fixed to the wall or, our personal favourite, for a free standing one. Get one with a matte gilt edge or slightly ornate filigree work for that pop-out effect. Now, this is one idea that adds charisma to your room and also has a function of its own.

Get some inspiration and get it done

Browse through these full length mirror arrangement ideas and get inspired! Both Mirrorwala and Pepperfry have some very stylish and innovative mirrors to choose from.

Show off your collection

Floating shelves are one of the best things since sliced bread. They have an enduring flexibility and no-fuss factor going for them, and they look the best against white walls. Mix up a few colours to add a splash to the room or keep it sedate with plain blacks or browns. Most importantly use it to show off your collection of pretty much anything. Books, miniature cars, indoor plants, vinyls. Intersperse them with object d’arts or small, framed artworks or photographs, and you have a stunning effect in your room.

Get some inspiration and get it done

Browse through these floating shelves arrangements and get inspired! Again, Pepperfry has a very good collection of shelves you can pick from and so does DecorNation.

So there you have it. Follow our ideas, mix some of your own, and your home is ready to rock the white!


  1. Hello Swati,

    Great Ideas to turn boring walls in to attractive. Definitely Quote and Poster will be great in wall decoration.

  2. Great ideas !

    Gracing the walls of a corporate foyer or in the privacy of a home, finally, a painting should give its investor peace of mind and solace to the heart.

  3. Wonderful tutorial. I love the way you explained each and everything. It will help me a lot, Thanks for sharing.

  4. I like what this article mentions about color of Interior Walls. It makes sense that it could be good to buy it online , if you are sure on what you want to buy from online. Wonderfully hung paintings are gracing the walls of a corporate foyer, studio/gallery or in the privacy of a home, finally, a painting should give its investor peace of mind and solace to the heart. .

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