₹ 1.85Cr
653- 653SqFt
₹ 1.85Cr
Ready To Move
Oliva is a compact luxury multi-storey single tower positioned in the most premium location. Oliva comprises of high-end 2 BHK apartments with a lifestyle that’s fulfilling in every aspect.
Olivia is beyond luxury as it incorporates better lifestyle, healthy environment better safety and upscale amenities for every age. The project has one of the largest vehicle-free podium garden which is a unique and splendid feature. Innumerable amenities which cater to all members of the family includes rejuvenating Gardens, multiple Azure Water Bodies, fascinating Sculpture Garden, Multiple dedicated kids play areas , Skating Rink, Life-size Chess Board, Life-size Snakes & Ladders, Mural Garden, Jogging Track, Amphitheatre, Chit Chat Corner.
The list doesn’t end here, the Club Nectarfield which is just a walk away, is equipped with a Gym, yoga and meditation centre, swimming pools, tennis, badminton, football, cricket, basketball and squash courts, kids zone, multi-cuisine restaurant, banquet hall.
Sale :
Power Backup
Car Parking
Children's Play Area
Yoga/Meditation Hall
Badminton Court
Basketball Court
Cricket Pitch
Swimming Pool
Multi-purpose Hall
Landscape Gardens
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