
Akshaya Homes


Akshaya Homes Builders & Developers the time – tested concept of Vaastu whilst acquiring and planning layouts and homes. Judiciously combining modern engineering techniques with these traditional values, the company has captured the loyalty of many a family who has invested in its properties.

Honesty and a professional outlook, coupled with discipline and a will to please are the benchmarks of this vibrant real estate investment company.

Indeed the properties it has for sale and the growing profile of families who entrust their investments are a matter of pride. All locations are carefully chosen and subsequently designed keeping in mind the weather elements, need for privacy and ‘lung’ space.


People are the most valuable asset at Akshaya Homes, they are the bedrock on which our growth and success stands they are the pillars of strength that makes us who we are. The management teams comprise of highly-motivated, industry and domain experts who have been with the organization, in most cases, for over a decade now. They closely drive and lead their respective functions infusing impetus, passion, energy and growth for their teams and the organization at large. With commitment to Vision and Mission and the Values, they ensure high-integrity and continued credence in all we do and deliver.


At Akshaya Homes, We look at creating homes with the passion and pride the way an artist does. No detail is unimportant in whit contributs to the larger picture. And every single brush stroke is made keeping in mind the vision with which the canvas has been conceived. Like every fine painting that speaks with unique voice of the artist who created it, each Serene home is a masterpiece; befitting our customers- the real connoisseurs who inspire us.

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Sold out projects (8)