Skyare Developers Pvt Ltd
About us
Who We Are
M/S SKYARE DEVELOPERS (P) LTD was incorporated on 17th August 2016 under companies Act. 2013 with the sole objective of building residential and commercial spaces in and around Kolkata specifically on the Southern part of Kolkata .
Since its incorporation till date the company has successfully delivered 25000 Sq.ft residential flats and presently has a land bank of around 100000 Sq.ft
The vision of the company is very clear, to successfully complete the projects in time and quality of construction is utmost priority and so the bottom line of the company “We build to deliver peace of mind” we in SKYARE DEVELOPERS (P) LTD. believed that only way to achieve our future goal & self-set target turnover is to satisfy our buyers by delivering our best and we are thoroughly committed to that.
We understand profit is the process of the business and it should not be made the prime objective of the business rather prime objective should be honestly doing business and delivering what is committed.