
Trendset Builders



“The Builders with a difference”

Trendset Builders does construction according to customer taste. best quality, building design, quality of work with innovative products and building ingredients and moving along with the trend in the construction industry.

A commitment of business is to deliver projects with amazing locality and providing best work to satisfy the customer. Trendset Builders is getting the best sales through its customer's recommendations to others. Trendset Sumanjali is an example of excellent work done by the Trendset Builders at Banjara Hills in Hyderabad.

Trendset Builders is ably administered by Dr. K L Narayana, He is the Managing Director of M/s Trendset Builders who have experience in different fields, successfully completed many residential and commercial landmarks, residential villas which have set new trends in luxury and lifestyle in the city.

The Trendset Builders has constructed many projects, Trendset Rythme in Kondapur, Trendset Woods in Gopanpally are the projects of Trendset Builders, these projects are situated in Hyderabad.

Number of Ready to occupy Projects: 3

Number of completed projects:2

Sold out projects (1)