Bathroom Clutter

How to Ditch Bathroom Clutter in 6 Easy Steps

What’s the most cluttered room in your house? Is it your bedroom? The kitchen? Or is it the bathroom? Unlikely as that sounds, bathrooms can quickly get cluttered. With toiletries, hair products, bathing essentials, mops, cleaners, storage racks, and more, bathrooms can become cluttered easily.

However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Keeping clutter at bay and organising your bathroom is easier than you think. Here are a few tips that can help you ditch bathroom clutter and convert it into a clean and organised space.

Throw away leftovers

Discard things like empty shampoo bottles, conditioners, and almost-empty cleaning supplies that you are never going to use again.

Many times, we buy new products such as shampoos or conditioners because the old one is about to finish and then start using the new one, ultimately stacking old supplies but never using them again.

Bathroom Clutter

To avoid this, you can have separate storage for new items so that you can take them out only when the old one is finished.

Use height

Many people refrain from storing items on high shelves because it feels like too much work to put things back.

Bathroom Clutter

Keeping a folding step stool handy in the bathroom will make it easier and more likely that you will keep things back where they belong. A foldable step stool can be hung on a closet door and goes a long way towards reducing bathroom clutter.

Find a secondary storage space

Classify things into what you use every day (Soap, shampoo, toothbrush, towel, etc) and the things that you occasionally use (first-aid box, hair straightener, Neosporin) and find secondary storage space for them.

Bathroom Clutter

If you have tall shelves in the bathroom, keep items you rarely used in them. If not, you can keep these items in the living room, bedroom or kitchen closet.

De-clutter the drawer and closet with trays

Drawers are often the most cluttered zone in the bathroom. Using trays inside drawers and closets provides a smart and stackable way to neatly store items that belong to one category.

Bathroom Clutter

For example, you can store all lipsticks in one tray and manicure sets in another tray. This also makes it easy and convenient to put the items back in their place after use.

Don’t overlook the hidden spaces

Hidden spaces can be anywhere! You can utilise the space behind doors, under the wash basin, and the corners. Use doors to hang used towels, put a laundry bag under the wash basin, and a basket in the corner.

Bathroom Clutter

This creates a designated area for clothes and towels that would otherwise clutter the bathroom.

Use tension rods to hang cleaning products

Tension rods can be a great addition to your bathroom. Hang these underneath your sink and use those for your cleaning products. This will save you cabinet spaces, which can be used to store other items that would otherwise be kept out. All with a tension rod.

Bathroom Clutter

Further reading

Bold and Beautiful: 5 Ways to Add Black in Your Bathroom


  1. It is really important to keep the bathroom clean and clutter-free. Maintaining the bathroom properly will also make sure that various bathroom fittings such as showers and washbasins last longer. Also, it will help in making the bathroom more presentable to the guests that arrive at the house which in turn helps to make an impression on the guests. Thank you for sharing such an informative article with us.

  2. Keeping the bathroom neat and clean is very easy if we follow all these six steps that you have provided in this article. I will surely keep all these points in mind while cleaning my bathroom. Thank you for sharing these tips with us through this article.

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