₹ 13.86L - 41.50L
₹ 8299+ /SqYd
167- 500SqYd
₹ 13.86L - 41.50L
Ready To Move
NOW is the Time to Buy Plots Near Shadnagar, Hyderabad
Are you looking for premium plots in Shadnagar? Shathabdhi Townships’ Silver County is the ideal place where value and convenience come together. Located close to 6 track Hyderabad-Bengaluru Highway, this unique and prestigious real estate project is the best investment that promises great returns. Plots near Shadnagar are now seeing a surge in demand because of the fast development of the area in terms of infrastructure and establishment of business centres.
Located at Shadnagar, one of the fastest growing areas, Silver County is aesthetically designed to meet urban lifestyles and contemporary global standards. The modern luxury amenities, easy connectivity and pleasant surroundings have made the real estate in Shadnagar witness a rising demand.
There is greater growth in this part of the city, promising more returns on investment.
The real estate in Shadnagar is the most profitable investment option with all the benefits of a gated community, including sprawling greenery, club house and other modern amenities that meet the changing urban lifestyle.
This project is in close proximity to IDL School, Symbiosis University, bus depot, Ring Road, MMTS Shadnagar Railway Station and Timmapur Terminal. Invest smarter and reap greater returns by choosing the most profitable venture in Shadnagar.
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Black Top Road
Street Lighting
Avenue trees
Gated community
Landscape Gardens
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