₹ 13.50L
653- 653SqFt
₹ 13.50L
Ready To Move
G Square City – L&T Bypass, Coimbatore
Coimbatore’s first and only Integrated Smart Megacity – G Square City is the future of living in not just South of India but across the globe. Made for only the most exclusive, amenities like 50,000 Sq.ft Clubhouse, Helipad , Drive in theatre and science themed amenities ; It is located on Coimbatore’s developmental gold mine – the Coimbatore Bypass road.
It’s time to build your own dream Villa in the city of Coimbatore! With G Square City, make your dreams come to reality as you get a splendid opportunity to construct a villa for your family, located in Coimbatore (L&T) Bypass.
3 Mins from Trichy Junction Road.
TN’s first integrated SMART CITY.
Bang on Coimbatore (L&T) Bypass Road.
1947 Residentail Villa Plots spread across over 127 Acres.
Coimbatore’s only lavish Clubhouse of 50,000 Sq.ft.
TN’s only project with 150+ World-Class Amenities.
One-of-a-kind features like Helipad, Drive in theatre and Science based amenities inside the community.
Smart Features:
Artifical Intelligence Based Monitoring
CCTV-based Licence Plate Recorder
Visitor Monitoring with Self-Operating Kiosk
Wifi in Common Areas
E-Charging Station for Bikes & Cars
Life Around G Square City
With a varied choice of leisure activities right around the corner, you can now live a life of enjoyment and ease.
1Min walk to the Excel College for Commerce and Science
3 Mins walk to the Pattanam Bus Stop
7 Mins walk to the JD Dental Hospital
Sale :
Children's Play Area
Jogging Track
Basketball Court
Cricket Pitch
Banquet Hall
Volley Ball
Swimming Pool
Multi-purpose Hall
Black Top Road
Street Lighting
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