₹ 1.64Cr - 4.50Cr
Apartments/Flats Villas/Homes
2319- 3751SqFt
3,4 BHK| 4 BHK Villas
₹ 1.64Cr - 4.50Cr
Nov 2028
A beautifully crafted Contemporary Styled Community on 5.5 acres, featuring 137 finest 3 & 4 BHK Signature Apartments & 36 Dubai Styled 4 BHK Bungalows (with Private Plunge Pool)
3.5-acre Open space with 36000 sqft of lush greenery in the community
Apartment Block & Villas are designed to ensure complete privacy & aesthetics
13000 sqft Centrally located Green Podium & 23000 sqft Park areas
35+ Lifestyle Amenities like an Amphitheater, island seaters, gym, billiards, etc.
7000 sqft Clubhouse overlooks Grand Podium
6500 sqft Swimming Pool (with Deck area) & aqua amenities
Car wash & Car Charging bays, Laundry, ATM Provision & more
Ultra-Luxurious Villas
Super-sized 3750 sqft Dubai Styled Bungalows
Every Villa is designed to have (approx.) 820 sqft Private Garden (with Plunge Pool)
1000 sqft Greenery all around the Villa - No where in the market
East Facing Entry with 3 car parks
Total Acres - 5.5 Acres
No of units - 3 & 4 BHK Apartments - 137
No of units - 4+1 BHK Villas - 36
No of floors - B+G+12
Location Highlights
Sri Nachiyammal Vidyavani CBSE school- 5.4 Km
Quest Internation School - 3.8 Km
Smart Modern School - 2.7 Km
AKR Academy - 2.1 Km
Spring Mount Montessori School - 10 Km
Sri Ramakrishna Vidyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School 2.3 Km
VP COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE, Chettipalayam - 3.1 km
Maharaja Engineering College - 8.2 km
Park’s College, Murugampalayam - 15.1 km
St. Josephs College for Women - 13.8 km
Nift Tea College of Knitwear Fashion, Tirupur - 18.2 km
Tirupur Kumaran College for Women - 10.1 km
IT Park
TIDEL NEO - 2.3 Km
Revathi Multispeciality Hospital - 7.3 Km
Sri Kumaran Hospital
Sri Kumaran Multispeciality Hospital- 8.9 Km
Sree Saran Medical Centre - 7.7 KM
Apparel Park
Nethaji Apparel Park - 10 Km
New Bus Stand-Perumanallur - 8.3 Km
Kids Pool
Table Tennis
Swimming Pool
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