S.B.PROMOTERS Companies act 1998 Chennai-based Company with a strict discipline for quality, service and well experienced architects and engineers. S.B.PROMOTERS has completed over 50 residential and commercial projects in Chennai over the past 18 years. We make your dreams come into reality. We compile your requirement through a detailed interaction and study, for creating a new environment.
SB’s focuses on value added property services from start to finish by protecting customer interests and investments. Hence, our emphasis has always been on effective space utilization, superior craftsmanship, personal supervision, continuous R&D and exemplary finishes. In recognition of SB’s emphasis on quality par excellence and quality systems, Its commitment to quality workmanship and timely delivery of projects has created a vast base of customers from all over the city.
S.B.PROMOTERS is engaged in undertaking Civil Contracts, Promotion of Residential Housing Complexes and Construction of Commercial Buildings. A wonderful team of experienced, efficient and dedicated personnel lead by the board of directors is the reason behind all the success of S.B.PROMOTERS. The various segments of S.B.PROMOTERS's team is meticulously involved with its projects right from the stage of planning through execution till completion. We make comfortable houses for you to make congenial homes. We make convenient commercial constructions for you to do successful businesses. Thus, S.B.PROMOTORS is with you to give the best for your personal, domestic and corporate needs.