Household clutter has become part and parcel of all, no matter the size of the house. Going through the clutter is a task that is procrastinated on a daily basis until it piles up to amounts you hesitate to throw away. Sounds like a familiar situation? Well, don’t worry. We are here to help you sort it all out and that too the Marie Kondo way!
Marie Kondo is an internet sensation for her simple yet super effective organising method. The KonMari method involves relatively easy tips on de-cluttering homes. Her Netflix show ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo’ gives us valuable insights into clutter; how it formulates and how to manage it.
In a nutshell, here’s what she says:
Does it give you joy?
It’s as simple as it sounds, keep only those things that give you joy. If that old blouse is no longer giving you joy, then it needs to go. Detach yourself from items that don’t serve the purpose or make you feel happy, let go of sentiments and give it away.

Dig deep
Pile a bunch of your belongings in the middle of the room, and think about each item and make the call of keeping or throwing it away based on its worth. If it really means a lot to you, keep it but make sure to get rid of all the unnecessary things.

Clear out by category, not room
There is a good chance that similar items exist throughout your home and not in just one room. Choose a category (clothes, books, etc.) and go from room to room gathering things that are no longer in use.

A place for everything, everything in its place
This is an age-old tactic that still works- make sure you have a specific place for a certain category of items. It makes it easier to remember and find things, thereby saving time and space. Have a designated space for keys, bags, shoes, etc. Labelling helps too.

Learn how to fold your clothes
The KonMari method stresses on folding clothes in a particular manner – this takes up less space. There are several techniques that you can follow by watching her YouTube tutorials.

Do away with paper
In today’s age of technology, there is almost no reason to keep paper trails – you can find them readily available online. Reduce the paper, and you will free up a lot of storage space that could be used to store things that you do need.

Store items standing up
Instead of stacking clothes on top of each other, place them upright in rolls inside drawers. You get much better visibility and accessibility to your things, without creating unnecessary clutter.

No more change in sofas
While finding the change in sofas can be a lifesaver at times, it is not the best way to store it. Use the small pockets of your wallet to keep the change, where you can easily find it.

This article is contributed by Dipti Das, AVP-Design,
(The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of RoofandFloor)