8 Unique Housewarming Traditions Around the World

8 Unique Housewarming Traditions Around the World

The housewarming ceremony is a valued and treasured moment in a person’s life. This is why cultures all over the world have several beliefs and superstitions around the day. For instance, in Indian tradition, boiling milk until it overflows helps bring purity and long life to the homeowners.

In this post, we list eight unique traditions from around the globe that are believed to bring luck and cast out bad energy. 

Let your pot overflow

On the day of housewarming, milk is boiled on a new stove until it boils over the sides. This symbolises the abundance of wealth and food coming into the house. 

8 Unique Housewarming Traditions Around the World

An old broom is a strict no

In the United States, it is believed that carrying your old broom will bring all the negative energy from your previous residence to the new one. The idea is to leave the past behind for a fresh start. So, throw those old brooms out and start fresh!

8 Unique Housewarming Traditions Around the World

Additionally, Americans also burn dried sage and wave the smoke around the corners of a room to clear out negative energy. 

Ringing Tibetan bell

In Tibet, people ring a space cleaning bell in each room of a new home to clear the space and add positive energy. 

8 Unique Housewarming Traditions Around the World

Entering and exiting from the same door

In Irish tradition, it is considered auspicious to exit through the same door you entered for good luck. It’s just a one-time thing, after which you can leave from any door you like. 

8 Unique Housewarming Traditions Around the World

Bringing bread and salt

In Jewish tradition, bread and salt are the first items that are brought into the new home. The bread would ensure the residents never know hunger, while the salt brings a life full of flavour.

8 Unique Housewarming Traditions Around the World

Salt is something that also features heavily in many traditions. In India, wiping the floor with salt water helps in bringing positive energy into the home. Salt is also known to ward off back luck or malicious spirits. 

Planting a tree

In India, people often plant a banana tree on the day of housewarming. In some cultures, a pomegranate tree is considered auspicious. In China, planting an orange tree is a symbol of luck. In Mexico, people buy an aloe plant to ward off negative energy. 

8 Unique Housewarming Traditions Around the World

Scattering coins

In the Philippines, new homeowners scatter coins in the living room on their moving day. This is believed to bring prosperity and good luck to the family.  

8 Unique Housewarming Traditions Around the World

Letting a feline enter first

We have saved the best one for last! In Russia, letting a cat walk across the threshold of your new home before you move in is considered very auspicious. Isn’t it sweet? 

8 Unique Housewarming Traditions Around the World

Some other traditions 

  • Many people around the world believe that lighting a candle can help to ward off evil spirits. 
  • South Americans believe in painting the front entrance blue to keep the ghosts at bay.
  • Some people consider it a stroke of bad luck to move house on a rainy day. 

Do you know of any such fascinating tradition? Let us know in the comments! 

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