Easy hacks for Home decor

7 ways to switch up your living room decor

The Living Room sets the tone for a home. A look at someone’s living room can often, be a peek into their personality. Are they fun and quirky? Classy and elegant? Bold and witty? Hence, why interior designers focus on living rooms to make a statement about the people living within the home.

The living room is, also, the space that endures the most traffic, so to speak. So the décor has to be practical and liveable as well. You don’t need experts to give your living room a personality. You can do it on your own. Let’s look at some pointers on adding some oomph to your living room décor.

  • Think experience

Right off, decorating overwhelms us because we think it has to stick to a theme. It doesn’t. Ask yourself what you want to feel every time you come home. Are you looking for cosy and familial warmth? Do you seek inspiration from that piece of art on your wall? Or a reminder of who you are?

  • Get personal

Tweak your living room décor to tell your story. Traditional furnishing designs can represent a conventional outlook. Bold, out-of-the-box colour combinations that showcase your gregarious nature. Art and display pieces that display your knowledge of all things artistic. Photographs that provides a glimpse at the beloved people in your life and memories of them. Listen to your heart.

  • Use contrasts

While harmony should be a significant consideration, there is such a thing as too much order and symmetry. Mix it up a little bit. In the midst of all that proportion, throw in something cheeky. For instance, an unapologetic yellow among sombre colours, a cheeky illustration among classic art pieces, can provide a dynamic feel.

  • Let there be light! (And space while you’re at it)

Light and space are two crucial aspects to pay attention to in your living room. Maximize natural lighting. Resist the urge to fill up your living room with objects. Arrange furniture that naturally guides your visitor through the room.

  • Clear the clutter

Clutter is an absolute no-no. It confuses people and makes them uncomfortable. It’s also so much harder to keep a cluttered space free of dust and germs. Undertake sorting, once in a while, to keep the space comfortable and clear.

  • Create a landing strip

Time to share an invaluable hack with you. Create a space close to your door where you can unload your bags when you come home. This ensures that bags, umbrellas, coats, and keys are easily accessible when required and most importantly, off the couches and seating area in your living room.

  • Devil’s in the details

Don’t forget to look at details when decorating your living room. Little things like fairy lights in a jar, wind chimes in the path of breeze, subtle air fresheners, and ensuring good ventilation are little touches that greatly enhance a living space.

Décor need not be a scary prospect. Invest some time and effort into your living room and watch it come alive!

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