
MRK Civil Construction


With almost 2 decades of experience, MRK Civil Construction has been instrumental in making our country’s infrastructure more efficient with lots of buildings and integrating the terrains and city space. In our journey, we have constructed the landmark edifices through wide areas like tall buildings, hospitals, schools, industries, power plants, etc. We have a team of highly skilled engineer professionals with years of experience in engineering, construction, design, procurement, and commission of civil construction projects through multiple sectors. With all these, we feet firmly on the ground and vision far ahead in the future that makes us continually grow and evolve with harmony

Raising up in the scale of achievement! We draw up the ambitious growth of our goals. We achieve this through the action and accomplishment that are not just by the structures, but we also build by our own business, quality of our people, and genuine commitment.

Our endeavor is to It brings things to reality. We strongly believe that the business score can be achieved only via the professional and technical approach to the prevailing challenges. We take every measure to ensure that all the members work with the same focus. Our unified work takes us to our goals.

We could proudly say that our strength lies in the passion and experience of every individual member of our team. Further, their innovative approach to any technical and complex projects takes us towards achievement. Together we work, and we deliver on the promise to be collaborative and trusted.

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